Combine GtkDrawingArea and TfeTextView

Now, we will make a new application which has GtkDrawingArea and TfeTextView in it. Its name is “color”. If you write a name of a color in TfeTextView and click on the run button, then the color of GtkDrawingArea changes to the color given by you.


The following colors are available. (without new line charactor)

In addition the following two options are also available.

This application can only do very simple things. However, it tells us that if we add powerful parser to it, we will be able to make it more efficient. I want to show it to you in the later section by making a turtle graphics language like Logo program language.

In this section, we focus on how to bind the two objects.

Color.ui and color.gresource.xml

First, We need to make the ui file of the widgets. Title bar, four buttons in the tool bar, textview and drawing area. The ui file is as follows.

@@@include color/color.ui @@@

The xml file for the resource compiler is almost same as before. Just substitute “color” for “tfe”.

@@@include color/color.gresource.xml @@@

Drawing function and surface

The main point of this program is a drawing function.

@@@include color/colorapplication.c draw_func @@@

The surface variable in line 3 is a static variable.

static cairo_surface_t *surface = NULL;

The drawing function just copies the surface to its own surface with the cairo_paint function. The surface (pointed by the static variable surface) is built by the run function.

@@@include color/colorapplication.c run @@@

The drawing area just reflects the surface. But one problem is resizing. If a user resizes the main window, the drawing area is also resized. It makes size difference between the surface and the drawing area. So, the surface needs to be resized to fit the drawing area.

It is accomplished by connecting the “resize” signal on the drawing area to a handler.

g_signal_connect (GTK_DRAWING_AREA (da), "resize", G_CALLBACK (resize_cb), NULL);

The handler is as follows.

@@@include color/colorapplication.c resize_cb @@@

If the variable surface sets a surface instance, it is destroyed. A new surface is created and its size fits the drawing area. The surface is assigned to the variable surface. The function run is called and the surface is colored.

The signal is emitted when:

So, the first surface is created when it is realized.


This is the main file.

The following is colorapplication.c.

@@@include color/colorapplication.c @@@

This file is almost same as before. An argument “export_dynamic: true” is added to executable function.

@@@include color/ @@@

Build and try

Type the following to compile the program.

$ meson _build
$ ninja -C _build

The application is made in _build directory. Type the following to execute it.

$ _build/color

Type “red”, “green”, “blue”, “white”, black”, “light” or “dark” in the TfeTextView. No new line charactor is needed. Then, click on the Run button. Make sure the color of GtkDrawingArea changes.

In this program TfeTextView is used to change the color. You can use buttons or menus instead of textview. Probably it is more appropriate. Using textview is unnatural. It is a good practice to make such application by yourself.